Scheduled Ancient Monument

You will spot these signs on top of the mountain that this society cares for – please have a look around our website for all sorts of information on Twmbarlwm and the Society – it’s history, myths, legends and points of interest.

Twmbarlwm – Scheduled Ancient Monument


CLICK HERE to visit the Cadw website and find out what Scheduled Ancient Monument status really means

Basically, Twmbarlwm is considered to be of National Importance under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 which means it is protected by law and you are liable to prosecution if you break any of the rules attached to this particular Ancient Monument.

Despite having no high stone walls or tourist entry gate, Twmbarlwm has the same status as any other Cadw controlled castle around Wales. You wouldn’t dig a stone out of Cardiff Castle would you? – so don’t do it here either.


Leave Litter, Light Fires or Barbecues, Damage Undergrowth or Break Into the Surface of the Landscape or use a Metal detector in this area.



All these activities will seriously damage the ground surface and potentially any archaeological evidence

Please Keep to the Pathways – The ground surface of this area is very fragile after the wildfires of 2018

Please respect this area while it recovers naturally.

Extent of the SAM

The boundary of the Scheduled Ancient Monument is shown on the map below – click here to download it in PDF format.

The area includes the earth mound (the Motte) on the eastern edge of the summit and follows the outer edge of the ditch in a large oval shape, approx 380m x 160m, towards the west side of the summit.

Click here to see official description of the SAM