The Big Dig – Day 04

Thursday 10th October 2019

The geo-phys team and CPAT team had an early start and by the time us volunteers got up the mountain they were already at the top. As we (Bill, Sue and myself) were donning our weather-proof gear we could see the weather-front beating its way up the channel, over Cardiff, straight towards us so by the time we set off up the mountain it was hammering down with rain.

Will and Amelia from Cadw had joined us today (together with archaeology dog Finn who joined our resident Welshie pack) in order to survey the work done so far and to make some decisions on how we were to proceed.

The geo-phys team still had a portion of the agreed area left to do and they carried on with the work while we had our meeting in the force 10 gale and rain.

The original plan was that once we’d completed the geo-phys we could use that data to decide where to place our trenches most effectively and so proceed to start the digging work next week. Unfortunately we decided that with the long range forecast not looking very good for the next 10 days, that it would be pointless to try and dig any trenches. Apart from the obvious peroblem that any trenches will just fill with water – there’s also a danger that we could destroy or damage any underlying archaeology – and of course, the health and safety aspect of any workers and volunteers has to be considered.

Therefore we have decided to suspend the dig for the moment. We will review the situation in two weeks but it looks very unlikely that any digging will take place till the spring – but there will be some surface survey work done in a few weeks time.

The magnetometry has gone fine despite the difficulties and most of what was planned to be done has been done – in fact the geo-phys guys are upbeat by what they’ve found but they need to take their data back to the office for full analysis. The plan was to survey half to two thirds of the enclosure (see Diary Day 02) but because of the favourable results so far we have decided to cover the entire enclosure. It is hoped that the geo-phys team will be back to complete the job the end of October beginning of November.

There is still a resistivity survey for them to do but that also is pointless to attempt in such wet conditions – that too will be re-scheduled.

The core sampling team were also due to arrive today but again due to the weather it was decided to call it off until the conditions improve – again we hope to continue with this in November.

Whilst all the geo-phys work has been going on Richard (lead archaeologist) has been taking all the information he needs to produce the accurate definitive map of the area that will form the basis for the remaining work – so, despite the weather, quite a lot has been achieved this week.

Therefore for the moment we will not be asking for any volunteers to help out – but we will keep you informed and if you want to make sure that you get any news about the dig please contact us and leave your email address.

The photos below show the work in progress

This archaeological investigation is funded by:
Ariennir yr ymchwiliad archeolegol hwn gan: